Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Movie Review

The long awaited review (cause I'm really late this week) of Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings is here! I hope you weren't hoping science fiction movie for a masterpiece of a movie to follow up the impressive but flawed initial entry... (blog) oh dear god will this week be disappointing if you did.Source: Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Movie Review - Deck

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Halloween H20 Movie Review

Released 20 years after the original Halloween, a fact that they never EVER let you forget, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is Halloween's return after the slasher genre revival of the late 90s. As such, while it IS a Halloween movie, has Michael Myers and even Laurie Strode in it... it does come off like most sci-fi movies of the feel of the movie

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Some days you just can't get rid of a Blog. Movie Review

A quick update that as I type this, is suffering under a ridiculously slow upload pace. Almost as if it is trying to taunt me, it tells me at 59%, (I had to re-initialize, it wasn't moving) that now it will take 10 hours to finish. Well, after typing that sentence, now 3 hours. Point is - this file size (2 gigs, approx) should take my connection

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